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Times are tentative and may change very slightly

Friday June 7, 2024 

        • Attendee check-in starts 11:30 am (you can check in anytime thereafter when you arrive)
        • Light lunch and mingle 12 pm – to about 12:45 pm (some food may be available to 1:30 pm)
        • Afternoon Seminars and demonstrations 12:45 pm to 5:15 pm


Saturday June 8, 2024


        • “Free Swim” – Explore other museums and sites in the Auburn area.  Some folks may choose to explore the area independent of the event with friends and chat-group buddies. Also, there are some lovely state parks nearby for hiking.  

Late-Morning and Afternoon

        • Seminar just added 11:15 to 11:45 presented by Keith Larson of Silca Heritage
        • Casual lunch 12 pm – 12:45 pm
        • Seminars and demonstrations 12:45 pm – 5:15 pm


        • Banquet at the ACD Museum.  7 pm to 9:15 pm or so – Cash bar
        • Keynote talk and other presentations
        • Silent auction items for fundraiser
        • Opportunity to explore the museum until 10:30 pm – this is really fun!


Sunday June 9, 2024

        •   Bicycle show and swap set up 7 am to 9 am
        •   Bicycle show and swap opens to the public 9 am
        •   Mid-day – Food truck with fantastic Mexican menu
        •   Maynard Hershon will present a reading of select writings and answer questions – possibly outside
        •   Awards mid-afternoon (about 2:15)
        •   Show/Swap winds down around 3 pm
        •   Around 3 pm – start clean-up (vendors clean your space) – and folks start packing-up bikes they shipped to museum.  See bike show information for requirements to ship a bike to the museum.